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Infrared research 2.0 - 13.11.2014

It is only about one year ago that the Ceramicx Center for Infrared Innovation (C2I2) started. This is a research cooperation with the Trinity College Dublin (TCD), initiated by Ceramicx Ireland.

The group of scientists headed by Dr. Tony Robinson (TCD), Dr. Gerard McGranaghan and Dr. Cáthál Wilson (both Ceramicx) aims at shedding light on the IR-heat transfer. For this they take advantage of the specifically developed test system HERSCHEL that got its name from the discoverer of the IR-radiation. With this very special system of the C2I2 it is now finally possible to measure the IR-radiation directly and not only its effect. Since its presentation at the K-show 2013 Herschel has been in continuous operation and with every new test series it shows how little explored the IR-world has been so far.

As co-exhibitor at the EuroMold's theme park thermoforming in Hall 8.0, booth N37 we would be pleased to share the latest results of C2I2 with you.

We are looking forward to meeting you there.

Freek & Ceramicx - Partners in Process Heat

We see what you feel
Test robot Herschel in the Ceramicx Centre for Infrared Innovation
Test robot Herschel in the Ceramicx Centre for Infrared Innovation

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