Special K - 03.03.2014
Some positive thoughts on how we found the K 2013 experience
New stand concept was judged positive by our own stand team and praised by visitors:
- Open to two sides without any obstacles such as steps or walls allowing for easy access
- Attractive eye-catchers (hotrunner exhibit, test centre and TV screen with company videos playing in endless loop)
- Abandonment of meeting room(s) to the benefit of a spacious kitchen & store room as well as an open plan big enough for the hotrunner exhibit and the prominent test centre plus a reasonable number of bar tables
- Aligned corporate designs successfully visualising the close cooperation of the two partners in process heat (colour gradient from Ceramicx green to Freek red / aligned product presentation in showcases and on pictures
- Perfectly shaped and presented exhibits/products suggesting high value and quality, manufacturing excellence and technology leadership.

shows how the new design complemented both companies products.
Especially the Ceramicx range of IR heating elements has been expressively praised by visitors. Alone the visual impression of the current elements is no longer comparable with the former product generation.
Out of the Ceramicx product range Freek has encountered a strong interest in quartz tungsten and quartz halogen heaters of which many market players apparently are still unaware that Ceramicx/Freek also offer these.
The new generation of ceramic emitters and here especially the hollow ones has also attracted the German thermoforming elite.
The new Ceramicx test centre has been the highlight on the stand. Especially the accompanying presence of the scientific creators turned out to be a most valuable move. Visitors have had the chance to get explanations first hand and to discuss their own applications in a depth never expected. The scientists also have been a living proof of the possibilities Ceramicx has at hand by their Ceramicx Centre for Infrared Innovation C2I2.
The other side effect of having the IR scientists around has been a creative and fruitful exchange of ideas that generated innovation stimulus for both partners. Freek for example is going to launch new developments testing concrete ideas generated at the K show having the potential to improve their HotMicoCoil heater range in regard to heat-up performance and efficiency.
Out of the Freek product presentation the novelty of the Super-flex caused a special customer crowd on the stand. The new alloy provides multiple advantages to the full section tubular heaters manufactured and promoted by Freek. The attributes of the Superflex alloy combine high formability, ductility, heat conductivity and corrosion resistance with a most attractive price. With the new sheath material option Freek's tubular manifold heaters have the potential also to convince those customers who by now prefer sleeve covered competitor's products despite apparent electrical disadvantages and a higher price.
Freek also succeeded in developing international markets by making promising contacts with new potential distributors for yet unexplored export markets.
Most visitors have been very positive regarding market expectations for year 2014. This perception matches the positive economic forecast reported by the media.
Freek as well recognizes many more business chances than risks for the coming year and prepares for significant growth by building up production and engineering capacity. To quote Oprah Winfrey: Success is a matter of preparation meeting opportunity!
Special preparation for the expected significant growth in the German Infrared market will be agreed at the occasion of a next strategy meeting in Ireland in the middle of February.
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