Holiday 2010 - 16.03.2010
As every year we will use convenient holidays to close the company for bridge days. This will be the case on 14. May, Friday after Ascension Day, and on 4. June, Friday after Corpus Christi. On 18. June we can only offer a limited service for our customers as we will celebrate Freek's 60. anniversary.
There will be no summer break in 2010. Nevertheless bottleneck situations can occur due to the summer holidays of our employees in July and August. Since many of our European partners traditionally shut down the production in July or August, we recommend to plan ahead for this period so that bottlenecks will be avoided. For questions and support please contact our marketing team.
Christmas holiday 2010 is already determined: the last working day is 22. December. From 11 h we will hold our traditional staff meeting and fade with a common lunch directly into our Christmas party. Our company will be closed until 3. January 2011. Twelfth Day (6. January) is no holiday here.

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