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Freek flying high - 06.05.2022

After two years of forced pandemic break, the Freek team was delighted to finally be able to do one of the infamous Kaiser@Venture-Tours together with all colleagues again. After the Corona-compliant planned Christmas market on the Freek outdoor area fell victim to the sharp increase in incidence last December, this time there was no longer an obstacle.

In the best weather, more than 2/3 of the workforce set out on a 9 km long hike from the company premises in the direction of Menden's city centre, along the river Hönne, through the Menden city forest "painted" in bright spring green to the gliding facility in Menden-Barge. There, our hiking group was already awaited by the members of the Menden air sports club with cold drinks, coffee and cake. Throughout the day, the youth club of LSG Menden in particular looked after their guests in an exemplary manner, and grilled food and delicious salads were of course not to be missed for physical well-being and to round off the day.

The highlight of our stay at the LSG Menden-Barge was an exclusive, top-class gliding experience. With at times four gliders in the air at the same time, the courageous flyers could almost wave to each other while circling thermals and some of them reached altitudes of over 1000 meters. In the end, the "tower" ordered these lucky ones to land by radio, because the line of people waiting was getting longer from flight to flight. Because when those who were initially undecided noticed that the returnees would have preferred to stay seated with their seat belts buckled for the next flight, many of them pulled themselves together and none of them regretted it.

The conclusion and highlight of the 38 flights were two glider aerobatics by two specially trained pilots. It came as was to be expected: more demand than places! The two indestructible companions from our Freek team actually had to be figured out...

Even the "senior" with his 87 years did this experience not let take.
Even the "senior" with his 87 years
did this experience not let take.
"Team flying"
"Team flying"
With all the joy about the regained "old life" the Freek team also thought of the growing number of unlucky people who have completely different concerns at the moment. So as a result of a collection campaign 1,000 euros could be donated to the association Mendern in Not e.V.
With all the joy about the regained
"old life" the Freek team also thought
of the growing number of unlucky
people who have completely different
concerns at the moment. So as a
result of a collection campaign
1,000 euros could be donated to the
association Mendener in Not e.V.

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