

Thermo Sensors are needed in any controlled heating process. For various applications different types of thermocouples are obtainable. Most common are thermocouples (TC) and resistance sensors (RS). Both types are available in the same executions as a matter of princible. For non-contact measuring infrared sensors are the rights choice, either in stationary executions or as portable measuring instrument.

Thermo Sensors
Sensor type Measuring range (recommended) Field of application
Type J (Fe-CuNi)
(DIN IEC 584)
-200 °C - 1000 °C
(0 °C - 590 °C)
Cost-effective, suitable for simple PID controllers (in PLC is
often additional electronic necessary), available in grounded
(quick responding) or ungrounded (insensible to
shock and electromagnetic radiation).
Type K (NiCr - Ni)
(DIN IEC 584)
-200 °C - 1270 °C
(400 °C - 900 °C)
(DIN IEC 751)
-200 °C - 850 °C More exact (measuring error < 1 % possible) and less interference-prone.
IS 0 °C - 500 °C Contactless measuring (insensible to air draft or heat radiation),
stationary execution IP65 rated.

Códigos de colores para termopares y sensores de resistencia

The following table shows the colour codes for different types of thermocouples...

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Sensores infrarrojos − dispositivos de medición portátiles

thermoMETER MS - the general purpose infrared thermometer for standard applications...

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Servicio (Manual de usuario)

Here you can see the user manual for our thermo sensors...

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